Laws of motion you didn't learn in school: Discover the secrets of dynamics and why our reality is not as simple as it seems!

Movement has fascinated us since childhood. We see apples falling, cars racing down the street, and planets orbiting the sun. But few of us think about what is really behind that motion. The physics of motion is not just about simple formulas; it is a fascinating world full of subtle nuances, historical paradoxes, and mathematical discoveries. Are you ready to discover why the science of motion is so fascinating and how it differs from what you may have learned in school?

Discover in the third part of the podcast DEEP DIVE - PHYSICS with title
03 SHOCKING REVEAL: How things really move and why they lied to you about it at school!

Why is movement so complicated?

At first glance, the description of motion seems simple, but there are many mysteries hidden within it. Even the ancient Greeks had difficulty understanding the concept of velocity. Zeno's paradoxes point to the difficulty of thinking about motion and show that the intuitive understanding of motion can be misleading.

Even the definition of speed is not as clear-cut as it might seem. What does it really mean when a car is going 60 miles per hour? Is it instantaneous speed or average speed? To determine speed accurately, we need infinitesimal intervals of time and distance.

And that brings us to differential calculus, which was invented precisely to describe motion and precisely define speed.

The podcast describes motion from simple examples such as a car moving in a straight line, to the motion of a falling body with constant acceleration. It also works on complicated motion in two and three dimensions, such as the parabolic path project life.

Velocity is defined as the derivative of path with respect to time.

Acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time.

Integral is the inverse of derivative, which allows us to calculate the path if we know the velocity.

The podcast also introduces Newton's laws of motion, which describe the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. It also describes the law of conservation of momentum, which is one of the fundamental principles of physics.

Although we can analyze many problems, there are cases when it is necessary to use numerical methods for solving dynamic equations.

One example is the movement of the weight on the spring, where we can calculate the position and velocity of the object at different times.

Another example is the motion of the planets, which we can also solve numerically and model their complex orbits.

The concept of conservation of momentum allows us to solve collision problems and also describes the basic principles of rocket propulsion.

Relativistic and quantum mechanics

The podcast shows that Newton's laws were an important step forward, but modern physics continues to develop them. Einstein's theory of relativity changes our understanding of weight and momentum at high speeds, modifying the law of conservation of momentum.

Quantum mechanics, in turn, shows that the concepts of velocity and momentum are not as simple and clear as they seem, and that momentum can be represented by the number of waves per centimeter.

Motion is a fundamental part of our world, and understanding it is key to understanding physics. From initial thoughts on speed to complex calculations of planetary orbits, the podcast takes us on a fascinating journey through dynamics and physics. We hope it inspires you to think more deeply about the laws that govern our universe.
